Check out this single-page website project!

Jen is a good friend of mine, and she had been working on a website for her marketing agency for months before we decided to collaborate on this project.

She already had her website copy, logo and had paid 2 different web designers to build her website.

In spite of all this, her website was still not live.

When we spoke about it, Jen told me she was unsure about the direction of her business and needed more time to create her service packages.

She also admitted that she wasn’t thrilled with her logo and didn’t feel like it represented her brand, but didn’t know how to fix it and didn’t have a lot of time & money to invest.

So I offered her a solution…

A single-page website that showcased her previous work & testimonials, with a simple option for people to get in touch if they’re interested in working together.

That’s it.

Nothing complicated or fancy.

Sometimes all you need is just a simple homepage that shows you exist.

You can always add on pages, features and other fancy things later.

Check out Jen’s website (which is now live) at

P.S. I also did a Brand Redesign for this project. More about that here.

Thank you for helping me get my website up...FINALLY. This has been a long time coming and I’m so grateful for your help. xox
— Jennifer Annette